Support Negrito Education

Negrito children in class - resized

The example of the Negrito shows how relatively small projects can have a big impact (read more here). The Rutu Foundation supports the work of Jenne de Beer with the Negrito in the Philippines.

Would you like to help? With your contribution (monthly or one-off), we can achieve the following:

1) Printing ‘Negrito traditional cuisine’ book / poster in 4-5 different local languages € 5.000
2) Newsletter ‘the little hunter’ (3 x € 250, for all schools) € 750
3) Expansion of the core program SPA pilot schools € 2.400
4) Video camera for documentation € 1.000
5) DT computer / software facilitator € 750
6) Exchange students Sierra Madre and Zambales mountain ranges € 1.250

Your donation can be made online or directly to our bank account in the Netherlands:

NL81 INGB 0006 0430 (“Negrito education”).