What is LERI?

The project LERI: Peer Learning in Language Friendly Networks is led by the Rutu Foundation in partnership with the University College of Teacher Education of Vienna (PH Wien). It connects the global the Language Friendly School (LFS) Network with the voXmi network of schools in Austria to strengthen cultural and language inclusion in schools through peer learning.

Language Friendly Subject Lessons

Teachers who participate in the LERI project are designing language friendly subject lessons. They will create videos to show teachers how to make, use and adapt these lessons in their own classrooms. The goal is that the teachers learn from each other and spread this knowledge to their colleagues in their own schools. The language friendly subject lessons and their videos (including translations) will be made available through a series of webinars in 2023 and online.

Activities in the LERI project

The activities of the project include three two-day Teacher Workshops: the first was online, in January 2022, the second one was held in Amsterdam in April 2022 and the third one will be in Vienna in October 2022. Teachers from Saba, the Netherlands, Austria and online from Canada are joining the workshops. To strengthen both the Language Friendly School Network and the voXmi Network, board meetings and partner meetings have been organized in 2021 and spring 2022 and will also take place at the end of 2022 and in the spring of 2023.

Stay tuned for the videos on how to give and adapt language friendly subject lessons to use in your own classroom!

To find out more about the partners, the workshops and the results, click on the tiles above.