Translate Hundred Stories #GiveATranslation

This month: #GiveATranslation of One Hundred Stories

Starting on Giving Tuesday Now, within one month, we will translate one hundred stories. Will you join us?

On Tuesday May 5 2020, the first Giving Tuesday Now took place. This global day for giving and unity is an emergency response to the unprecedented needs caused by COVID-19. Now that schools are closed, multilingual children who speak a different language at home, miss out on the languages they would otherwise use at school.

Our Goal: One Hundred Translations Within One Month

With a team of supporters, the Rutu Foundation has pledged to give a significant boost to the stories available for multilingual children on the online platform Storyweaver. Within one month, we will translate one hundred stories. This will give thousands of children access to great, imaginative stories from around the world in both their mother tongue and the language they use at school.

The first translations inspired by #GiveATranslation are already available in Italian, German and Dutch. Other languages such as Papiamentu and Frisian are following soon.

How can you join us on #GivingTuesdayNow?

  1. Help us reach our goal and translate a story yourself!
    For more information on how you can give a translation, visit our campaign page.
  2. Support us by giving a donation. The Rutu Foundation is aimed at making mother tongue and multilingual education accessible for all children. Half of your donation will go to Storyweaver so they can continue to create and publish wonderful stories

Read more on how you can join us and #GiveATranslation

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