Our partners



Website: https://www.rutufoundation.org/avior
Policy Network on Migrant Education

Website: http://www.sirius-migrationeducation.org
UUlogoUniversiteit Utrecht/EDINA Platform Education of International Newly Arrived Migrant Pupils

Website: https://edinaplatform.eu/the-project/
UvAlogoUniversiteit van Amsterdam: Department of Child Education/Werkplaats Onderwijs Onderzoek Amsterdam

Website: http://www.kohnstamminstituut.nl/woa/
MercatorlogoMercator/Fryske Akademy

Website: https://www.mercator-research.eu
EowynlogoEowyn Crisfield Consulting

Website: https://www.crisfieldeducationalconsulting.com
HHlogo Haagse Hogeschool

Website: https://www.dehaagsehogeschool.nl
ISHlogoInternational School of The Hague

Website: https://www.ishthehague.nl
HvAlogoPABO Hogeschool van Amsterdam

Website: http://www.hva.nl

Central/South America

VIDSlogoAssociation of Indigenous Village Leaders in Suriname (VIDS)

The VIDS brings together all 50 indigenous chiefs of Suriname. The board is appointed every four or five years during the VIDS Conference where representatives of village councils, women's groups and youth organizations determine the policy for the coming period. The Secretariat (Stichting Bureau VIDS) is the working arm of the Association and carries out the policy. The VIDS focuses on strengthening the capacity of the village authorities and defends the status and interests of the indigenous people in Suriname. Lesley Artist is the chairman of the VIDS. Loreen Jubitana is the Director of Bureau VIDS. Email: infovids@vids.sr
VIDSlogoAssociation Saamaka Authorities (ASA)

The VSG was founded in 2000 and represents the 12 Saamaka (Saramaka) sub clans (lös). The association has an Executive Secretariat in Paramaribo, the Stichting Bureau VSG. VSG focuses primarily on recognition of the land rights of the Saamaka people. Education, including adult literacy and bilingual intercultural education, is another important focus point for VSG. The chairman of VSG is head chief Stiefen Petrusi. The Bureau VSG is headed by Renatha Simson.. Email: bureauvsg@hotmail.com
RKBOlogoRoman Catholic Education (RKBO)

The RKBO takes care of the Catholic primary and secondary education in Suriname and the training of its teachers.
ITOSlogoFoundation for Intercultural Bilingual Education in Suriname (ITOS)

ITOS, founded in 2012, is our sister organization in Suriname and coordinates projects with other local partners. The board consists of: Sheila Kort - Chair, Ineke Bendter-Adams – treasurer/secretary. The co-ordinator is Maggie Schmeitz.
UniMexlogo University of Querétaro

Pedro Cardona who works as an ICT and multimedia lecturer at the University of Querétaro, is the designer of the e-tool that teachers can use to adapt our bilingual math book to their own languages and cultures.

Website: http://www.uaq.mx>
Apitilogo Apitikatxi

Apitikatxi is the association of the Tiriyó, Kaxuyana and Txikuyana indigenous peoples. They inhabit the Tumucumaque Park which is located on the boundary of the states of Pará and Amapá in the extreme north of Brazil. The association was founded in 2004 with the aim to improve the position and rights of indigenous peoples in the areas of education, health, culture and territory. President of Apitikatxi is Demetrio Amisipa Tiriyó.

North America

TorontologoUniversity of Toronto Department of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning

The Department of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning is the largest of four departments at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE). Contact person: Dr. Emmanuelle Le Pichon-Vorstman.

Website: http://www.oise.utoronto.ca/ctl/index.html
CUNYlogoCity University of New York Initiative on Emergent Bilinguals

Website: https://www.cuny-nysieb.org


JohanneslogoUniversity of Johannesburg Centre for Education Rights and Transformation

contact person:
Dr. Salim Vally

Website: https://www.uj.ac.za/faculties/facultyofeducation/cert


SPKKlogoSentro ng Pagpapalakas ng Kultura at Kapaligiran (SPKK)

More Information: https://www.rutufoundation.org/a-mobile-forest-school-for-indigenous-youth-in-the-philippines
KAKAIlogoKabalikat sa Kaunlaran ng mga Ayta Inc (KAKAI)

More Information: https://www.rutufoundation.org/a-mobile-forest-school-for-indigenous-youth-in-the-philippines

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