invitation webinar

Information Webinar: Becoming A Language Friendly School

With the Language Friendly School, we envision a world in which all children have access to a language friendly-learning environment: a place where they feel accepted and valued for who they are and no child is punished for speaking his or her mother tongues in school. All schools are welcome to join. The network is open for primary and secondary schools; international, private, public and many more.

Due to the current COVID-19 crisis, the onboarding process for new schools in the network of Language Friendly Schools has gone virtually 100% online. This means that for new schools around the world, we do not have to wait for a local partner to support your school in becoming language friendly. We will organise a series of free online information webinars to explain the first steps.

Free information webinar

The webinar will be hosted by the Language Friendly School Team. After an overview of what the Language Friendly School is and what the benefits are of becoming part of our network, we will be happy to answer your questions.

The next information webinar will be held on Wednesday 2 December 2020, 15.00-15.45h (CET). To register for this webinar or stay updated on future webinars, please fill out this form. Please note: to allow for optimal interaction, we have room for a limited number of guests.  If the webinar is full, we will notify you of the next opportunity.